My emails aren't sending!

If you have received an error message after attempting to send mail:

The return email will often give you the reason for the rejection. These emails can be very confusing, so you can forward the error to [email protected] or fax it through to us on 1300 554 892. If you can, give us a ring at the office to let us know the request is coming - we can often sort the problem out over the phone for you, depending on the cause.

If you have unsent mail sitting in the Outbox:

  • When using webmail (see Accessing Webmail for more details), and your domain is up and running, unsent mail will usually mean a problem with Get Started's mail server. We're likely to be in the process of fixing it, but give us a call on 1300 554 891 to let us know.
  • When using Outlook, or another third-party mail application to view mail, email are usually sent via your Internet Service Provider. To troubleshoot these problems, give your ISP a call and let them know you are experiencing a problem with your "outgoing mail server." In some rare cases, the problem cannot be solved by the ISP. In this case, give us a call on 1300 554 891, and we'll do our best to help you out.
  • 3 Users Found This Useful
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