Kentico CMS is able to perform most operations without writing to disk. However, there are situations when the web application needs to write to the disk for optimal operations or performance, such as importing/exporting a site or storing uploaded files in the files system (which is optional). � If you receive an error message from the system saying that the web application cannot write to disk, you need to grant the appropriate user account with Modify permissions on the whole web site. � User account of the web application � The web application runs under user account that depends on your environment: �
� You can see the name of the user account under which the application runs in�Site Manager -> Administration -> System dialog. � Granting user account with Modify permission on Windows XP � Open Windows Explorer, locate the folder with your web site, right-click the folder and display its�Properties. Choose the�Security tab. � � �
� Click�Add... The�Select Users, Computers and Groups dialog appears. � � Click�Locations... and choose your local computer: � � Click�OK. Enter�aspnet into the box and click Check Names. The name should be resolved to�\ASPNET. � � Click�OK. The account is added to the list of accounts. Grant the account with�Modify permissions and click�OK. � � � Granting user account with Modify permission on Windows 2000/2003
Open Windows Explorer, locate the folder with your web site, right-click the folder and display its�Properties. Choose the�Security tab. � � Click�Add... The�Select Users, Computers and Groups dialog appears. � � Click�Locations... and choose your local computer: � � Click�OK. Enter�network service into the box and click Check Names. The name should be resolved to�NETWORK SERVICE. � � Click�OK. The account is added to the list of accounts. Grant the account with�Modify permissions and click�OK. � � � Granting user account with Modify permission on Windows Vista/Server 2008 � 1. Open Windows Explorer, locate the folder with your web site, right-click the folder and display its�Properties. Choose the�Security tab. Select�NETWORK SERVICE and click�Advanced. � � 2. Select�NETWORK SERVICES and click�Edit. � � 3. Disable the�Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent. � � 4. On the pop-up dialog, click�Copy. � � 5. When the dialog closes, click�OK to close the dialog under it. Click�OK to close the dialog under the previous one. You are back in the folder �properties dialog now. Select�NETWORK SERVICES and click�Edit. � � 6. Check the�Allow check-box for the�Write permission and click�OK. � � 7. You have assigned the NETWORK SERVICES account with the write permission. Kentico CMS should now be able to perform all disk write operations and therefore work correctly. � � Choosing the component for directory operations � If you're running Kentico CMS under restricted trust level, you may need to use the managed component for directory operations (create/delete/rename directory). You can configure it by setting the following web.config parameter: �
� If you're running Kentico CMS on a shared hosting server, some providers require that you use the non-managed methods for directory operations: �